أكياس شنتشن تونغجين & Gifts is a comprehensive company located in Shenzhen, mainly engaged in the manufacture of various handbags. تأسست في 2014, it has rich experience in custom bags. Our products mainly include clutch bag,lunch bag,laptop bag,حزم الجليد,أكياس برودة,sports duffle bag,makeup bags,أكياس تخزين, إلخ. We are committed to maintaining high quality and innovation standards. Our design team strives to create products that not only meet but also exceed industry standards.

We are always able to provide competitive prices and excellent quality to all buyers! We implement strict inspection standards according to quality management. All goods will be inspected by our QC team before shipment. And passed the certification of CE,اس جي اس,ISO 9001,CPC, إلخ. In addition, due to the high-quality supply of goods and excellent service, we have won a good reputation all over the world, and our products are exported to eastern asia,oceania,mid east,eastern europe,north america,south america,africa and other regions.

Some information about cosmetic bag with candy leather material for Outdoor:

Condition New
اسم العلامة التجارية تونغجين
تصنيع المعدات الأصلية/تصنيع التصميم الشخصي نعم
مكان المنشأ شنتشن, قوانغدونغ, الصين
Season All Seasons
Application outdoor,storage…إلخ
Export countries الأرجنتين,ألمانيا,Sweden…إلخ
Export region Asia,أوروبا,Oceania…
Design Style Fashion
شهادة بنفايات,اس جي اس,CPC…
Label Accept Customized Labels
Loading port شنتشن
Warranty 12 months
لون حسب الطلب
Product features practical,environmentally friendly…
Packaging Details Carton
After sale service Online support
Lead time (أيام) 23 (Need to see the specific product)

 Please note: The above table data is for reference only. For specific information, please اتصل بنا.

For cosmetic bag with candy leather material for Outdoor, customer satisfaction is at the heart of our operations. We strive to provide excellent service, from the initial design phase to the final delivery of products. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that every client receives the best possible experience and product.

The exhibition and workshop for cosmetic bag with candy leather material for Outdoor


Our office

The custom logo for cosmetic bag with candy leather material for Outdoor

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