Shenzhen Tongjin Bags & Hadiah Co., Ltd was established in 2014. We specialize in a variety of bag products, including cosmetic bags,makeup bags,clutch bag,tas pendingin,bungkus es,lunch bag,laptop bag,sports duffle bag,storage bags and other related accessories. With the rapid development of our business, we have passed ISO 9001,CE,CPC,RoHS,SGS and other certifications and test reports. As a professional bag manufacturer, we have independent export rights.

We are able to create products that are both practical and fashionable to meet the various needs of our global customers. Our factory is equipped with sewing equipment,laminating machine,laser cutting machine,heat press machine,hardware punching machine,glue coating machine and other equipment to ensure the quality and delivery of products. With experienced sales and production teams, we bring you high-quality products, competitive prices and the best services. Our company puts customers first. Warmly welcome to make customized products together.

Some information about cosmetic bag with character EVA material for Daily life:

Condition Baru
Nama Merek Tongjin
Tempat Asal Guangdong, Cina
Season All Seasons
Aplikasi refrigeration,outdoor…dll.
Export countries Argentina,Netherlands,South Korea…dll.
Export region Amerika Selatan,Afrika,Asia…
Design Style Mode
Sertifikat ISO 9001,RoHS,CPC…
Label Accept Customized Labels
Loading port Shenzhen
Warranty 12 months
Warna Disesuaikan
Product features high quality,environmentally friendly…
Packaging Details Carton
After sale service Online support
Lead time (hari) 21 (Need to see the specific product)

 Please note: The above table data is for reference only. For specific information, please Hubungi kami.

About cosmetic bag with character EVA material for Daily life, we are committed to environmental responsibility and sustainable practices. Proses produksi kami dirancang untuk meminimalkan limbah dan mengurangi jejak lingkungan. Kami terus mencari cara untuk meningkatkan upaya keberlanjutan dan memberikan kontribusi positif terhadap lingkungan.


Our office

The custom logo for cosmetic bag with character EVA material for Daily life

The exhibition and workshop for cosmetic bag with character EVA material for Daily life

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