Tongjin Bags is located in Shenzhen, 광동, 중국, and was established in July 2014. The company covers an area of ​​more than 8,000 평방미터. In the future, it will continue to expand production to cope with customer trust and market. The company mainly produces sports duffle bag,women’s handbags ,얼음주머니,laptop bag,쿨러 가방,보관 가방,메이크업 가방,cosmetic bags and other products. We are a professional luggage manufacturer with independent export rights. We provide customers with quality products, on-time delivery, competitive prices and best services.

We have extensive experience in domestic and international sales, and are supported by a strong supply chain system. Our factory has equipment such as sewing equipment,laser cutting machine,heat press machine,fabric cutting machine,glue coating machine,hardware punching machine, and comprehensive quality control and quality assurance processes to ensure strict quality control. 우리는 OEM 및 맞춤 주문을 처리합니다, and welcome factory visits.

Some information about cosmetic bag with character Cotton Canvas material for Travel bag:

유형 bags
브랜드 이름 통진
원산지 중국
Application storage,refrigeration…etc
OEM/ODM 지원하다
심벌 마크 Acceptable Customized
샘플 시간 5-7 날
Products Certificate CE,RoHS,SGS…
Quality Advanced Technology
Export region Middle East,Asia,Oceania…
Transportation ARAMEX,FedEx…
Service Professional
Packaging Details Carton box
Product Feature 현실적인,high quality…
Sample Service

 Please note: The above table data is for reference only. For specific information, please 저희에게 연락주세요.

For cosmetic bag with character Cotton Canvas material for Travel bag, customer satisfaction is at the heart of our operations. We strive to provide excellent service, from the initial design phase to the final delivery of products. Our team is dedicated to ensuring that every client receives the best possible experience and product.


Our office

The exhibition and workshop for cosmetic bag with character Cotton Canvas material for Travel bag

The custom logo for cosmetic bag with character Cotton Canvas material for Travel bag

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