통진가방 & 선물 회사, Ltd was established in 2014, specializing in the production of various bags, such as clutch bag,lunch bag,화장품 가방,women’s handbags ,보관 가방,sports duffle bag,얼음주머니,laptop bag,메이크업 가방, etc. We have a very strict quality control system and a perfect after-sales service system. Every part of the product will be 100% controlled by our quality control team before shipment. Our products meet the certifications and test reports of ISO 9001,CE,CPC,RoHS,SGS, etc., which makes our products enjoy a good reputation among customers.

We have our own professional design team, sales department and after-sales department. Our company covers an area of ​​more than 8,000 평방미터, and the factory has hardware punching machine,fabric cutting machine,heat press machine,laminating machine,sewing equipment,laser cutting machine and other equipment. We focus on innovation, quality products and efficient delivery. We can carry out all production according to customer requirements (different styles, materials, 크기, imprints), so that your goods can be sold well and efficiently. Potential buyers are welcome to contact us.

Some information about cosmetic bag with character Cotton material for Travel:

Condition 새로운
브랜드 이름 통진
OEM/ODM Acceptatble
원산지 중국
Season All Seasons
Application refrigeration,outdoor…etc
Export countries South Korea,Greece,아르헨티나…etc
Export region Oceania,Southeast Asia,North America…
Design Style Fashion
Certificate SGS,RoHS,CPC…
Label Accept Customized Labels
Loading port 심천
Warranty 12 months
색상 맞춤형
Product features 현실적인,environmentally friendly…
Packaging Details Carton
After sale service Online support
Lead time (날) 20 (Need to see the specific product)

 Please note: The above table data is for reference only. For specific information, please 저희에게 연락주세요.

About cosmetic bag with character Cotton material for Travel, we are committed to environmental responsibility and sustainable practices. Our production processes are designed to minimize waste and reduce our environmental footprint. We continuously seek ways to improve our sustainability efforts and contribute positively to the environment.

Our office

The custom logo for cosmetic bag with character Cotton material for Travel

The exhibition and workshop for cosmetic bag with character Cotton material for Travel


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