Tongjin Bags is one of the major manufacturers and suppliers of various handbag products in China. Our company has been committed to the design and development of high-quality bags. Our main business is the design, production and distribution of various bags, including cooler bags,clutch bag,sports duffle bag,laptop bag,화장품 가방,얼음주머니,women’s handbags ,lunch bag,hanging cosmetic travel bag, etc. We use advanced technology and high-quality materials to ensure that each product is carefully crafted.

Our sales and customer service departments have rich experience in service, communication, procurement and quality. Our goal is to continue to build strong relationships with all our customers and become their trusted, reliable and excellent supplier in China. Now we have obtained ISO 9001,CE,CPC,RoHS,SGS and other certifications, and our products have been exported to France,Netherlands,United Kingdom,Sweden,Norway,Turkey,Greece,Uganda,Kyrgyzstan and other countries. We sincerely hope to establish a long-term business relationship with your company.

제품명 hanging cosmetic travel bag
유형 bags
브랜드 이름 통진
원산지 광동, 중국
Application outdoor,storage…etc
OEM/ODM 지원하다
심벌 마크 Acceptable Customized
샘플 시간 5-7 날
Products Certificate CE,CPC,RoHS…
Quality Advanced Technology
Export region Asia,Oceania,South America…
Transportation UPS,EMS…
Service Professional
Packaging Details Carton box
Product Feature fashionable,high quality…
Sample Service

 Please note: The above table data is for reference only. For specific information, please 저희에게 연락주세요.

Organize your beauty essentials in style with our hanging cosmetic travel bag. Crafted with high-quality, water-resistant material, this bag is designed to hold all your makeup, skincare products, and beauty tools. The roomy main compartment provides ample space, while the additional pockets allow for easy sorting and quick access to smaller items. Its durable, easy-to-clean lining protects against spills, making it a convenient choice for everyday use or travel. With a sleek design and a compact size that easily fits into most handbags or suitcases, this cosmetic bag keeps you organized and prepared, wherever you go.

The custom logo for hanging cosmetic travel bag

The exhibition and workshop for hanging cosmetic travel bag

Our office


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